

A&S Schools

Arts and Sciences comprises two undergraduate schools and three graduate schools, which together serve students across a broad continuum of learning.

Columbia College

One of the world’s premier liberal arts colleges, Columbia College is distinguished by a singular, intensive Core Curriculum and provides all the benefits of a small college and all the reach of a great research university. 


School of General Studies

The School of General Studies (GS) is the only college of its kind created to meet the needs of returning and nontraditional students seeking a rigorous, traditional, Ivy League undergraduate degree full or part time.


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

One of the oldest and most distinguished graduate schools in the United States, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences administers the education of graduate students in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, and grants the PhD for all divisions of Columbia University.

Visual Arts students and visitors to the 2023 Visual Arts MFA Thesis Exhibition interact with the artwork on display.

School of the Arts

The School of the Arts is a thriving, diverse community of talented, visionary, and committed artists from around the world and a faculty comprised of acclaimed and internationally renowned artists, film and theatre directors, writers of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, playwrights, producers, critics, and scholars.


School of Professional Studies

The School of Professional Studies (SPS) features a range of academically intensive programs, including competitive and interdisciplinary master’s degrees, executive education and certificate offerings, global pre-college programs, rigorous English language studies, and auditing of Columbia University courses through a robust lifelong learning platform.
