Humanities War & Peace Initiative


The Humanities War and Peace Initiative (HWPI) fosters the study of war and peace from the perspective of scholars in the Humanities, in conversation with colleagues from around Columbia and the world. 

Generously supported by President Bollinger, this initiative aims to encourage creative thinking about the critical topic of war, with an ultimate goal of perpetuating a more peaceful world. 

HWPI Grant Winners

The HWPI supports a broad range of activities, including individual scholarship, new scholarly collaborations, projects and events within existing interdisciplinary and collaborative structures, teaching, community outreach and programming, performance and exhibition, and ongoing dialogue in other forms.

Graduate Student Research Grant Winners

Each spring, the Division of Humanities in the Arts and Sciences awards summer research grants for graduate student projects under the Humanities War and Peace Initiative. 

Upcoming Calls for Proposals

This is the final call for proposals for the Humanities War & Peace Initiative Grants.  Proposals are due on Monday, December 5, 2022.